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Quite simply, turfgrass is natural, living grass:

  Your home lawn
  Athletic fields
√  Golf courses
√  Parks
√  Roadsides

From the athletic field to your back yard, healthy turfgrass makes a measurable and meaningful difference in our daily lives.

  • Produces oxygen & captures carbon

  • Filters air & water

  • Prevents soil erosion

  • Reduces ambient temperatures

Image by Johnny McClung
Image by Johnny McClung
  • Reduces stress

  • Improves memory

  • Boosts heart health

  • Enhances relaxation

  • Decreases
    risk of injury

  • Unites communities

  • Promotes
    active lifestyle

  • Renewable




We're the grassroots of research 

With roughly 418 million blades of grass per person on earth, there’s a lot we don’t know about grass. But through extensive research, the Virginia Turfgrass Foundation is learning and finding new ways to promote and protect these vital plants. We’ve funded the creation of turfgrass varieties that are specifically designed to help athletic performance, reduce injury potential, withstand climate fluctuations, and contribute to the earth’s water cycle.

Snipped from our blog

Dig deep to support turfgrass!

​Your tax-deductible gift will make a direct impact on the grass you see and interact with every day.

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